Mental Health Counseling in Palm Beach Gardens

Mental Health Counseling in Palm Beach Gardens

Life Focus specialize in mental health counseling in Palm Beach Gardens concentrate on promoting optimum mental health through various programs and services. We help individuals deal with suicidal impulses, self-esteem issues, addictions and substance abuse, stress management, job and career concerns, marital problems, educational decisions, and issues associated with aging.

It’s just as important to take care of mental health as it is to take care of physical health and for that, the best option is Dr.Marleen, a Mental Health Counseling in Palm Beach Gardens. At Dr.Marleen’s private practice, Life Focus, she helps her clients improve their mental health and deal with a variety of disorders including anxiety, depression, bipolar syndrome and more.

The goal is use cognitive therapy to increasingly improve the client’s mental wellbeing, thereby improving their life. Dr.Marleen is a certified Mental Health Counseling in Palm Beach Gardens who has years of clinical experience in treating patients with mental disorders. At Life Focus, patients can find a reputable Mental Health Counselor in Juno Beach that will help them have a better outlook and get more out of life.

If you live in the area and you are looking for Mental Health Counseling in Palm Beach Gardens , please contact our Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Marleen A. Roy.

Phone: 561-329-4455- 772-403-5844


Mental Health Counseling in Palm Beach Gardens